Virtual assistant for trades - My Smart Office

Virtual assistant | Admin help for trades

Change the way you manage your workload by leaving the admin tasks to us.

Sometimes you get so tied up with admin, that you spend more time on quotes, proposals and paperwork than doing the actual job. Rather than go through the hassle and expense of employing admin staff, why not get My Smart Office to be your virtual assistant and take care of the tasks you don’t like or are too busy to do?



Spend more time out on the job and less time on the paperwork!



Let My Smart Office take care of the little details, so you can focus on the big picture. As your virtual assistant, we can help you with anything you need, including:

  • Managing your database
  • Compiling and formatting quotes including requests for quotes (RFQs) from other subtrades
  • Developing presentation templates and processes
  • Proofreading and formatting client proposals, contracts and other professional documents
  • Developing a Quality Control Checklist and Site Set-up details for teams on site
  • Compile Code of Compliance submission documentation and Maintenance Schedules for clients
  • Recruitment including advertising, screening and arranging appointments


Having your systems and processes running efficiently and smoothly will pay off in the long run. My Smart Office are experts at creating order out of chaos! We’ll review your current processes and look for opportunities to make improvements that save you time and help you stay organised, including online filing systems, so everything is at your fingertips and easy to find. We’ll offer advice on apps and tools to streamline your processes, improve communication and increase productivity, and we can even teach you how to use them.

Need help with your accountspayroll or compliance? We can take care of that too!


Meet Amanda

Amanda is one of those organised people who manages to keep a lot of balls in the air. Before starting My Smart Office she juggled working a corporate job, running a successful residential building company with her husband, Bryce, and being a mum. Now she can be your virtual assistant and you'll have her expertise in customer communication, sales and marketing, bookkeeping and administration working for your business. Make sure to follow us on Facebook.


Work with us:

Step one - Review

Let's chat about your business, the tasks you dislike, and look at your current admin systems. 


Step two - Options

Whether you know where to start or you need guidance, let's discuss your priorities, options, and business goals.

Step three - Get started!

Reduce your to-do list. Agree on an action plan and let us start implementing the tasks for you. 



More weekends away, less time dotting the i's and crossing the t's!